The most popular webcomics on webtoon 2023
vertical scrolling reading speed

(Effects of different interaction modes on fatigue and reading effectiveness with mobile phones)

Panel transitions
(Scott McCloud)

Some aspect to aspect, moment to moment transitions. But otherwise a lot of subject to subject or action to actiontransitions.

I would have to exactly map out what transitions types, but this could substantially increase or decrease the reading spead.

Given that some transitions are very much geared towardsb being effective in how much space you need to tell a story

My assumtion is that through longer vertical chapter the user interaction is only required at the end of a chapter not every page. Which leads to reading more in one sitting. Because you dont have to make a concious decision all to often.

aspect to aspect transiton

action to action

subject to subject

The god of high school
Compared to Heartstopper there are only subject to subjection and much more action to action transitions. Given the genre variation as well.

The panel structure is vertical. Not placing the panel horizontally at times could also increase reading speed.

how can I use the medium of webdesign and online interface to structure speed, pace?
how can I use the medium of webdesign and online interface to structure a webcomic?
how can I use online publishing to structure a comic that is not focused on traditional linear storytelling. Instead allowing a meandering through the use of web interfaces and hyperlinks.
Exit 3X highway extension project
The casual way of comic analyses fails here. Elle Shivers uses mostly what can be described as Aspect to Aspect transitions or even non-sequential ones.

Its a unique way to make the reader more engaged with whats going on on the page. Making everything more like a puzzle peace to read.

Mushbuh - Toilet

Naming the panels reading order, as well as the object. The form of abstraction is almost so that the shapes could just be considered a circle or a square. Yet there still is a face two lines and a cricle. Which is enough for us to make a story out of it.
Snatcat - escape velocity

Using a lot of single images, but also eventually panels. This one is an interactive comic that requires a fair amount of viewer participation by clicking links quite frequently.
Using Scott McClouds abstraction chart I tried finding more characteristics that could only be true for online publishing.
Webcomics often use additonal factors of interactivity, sound or even animation.
Of course the question then is. Is it still a comic?